Sunday, December 6, 2009

Party Lines

As you know, it’s been a long time since I’ve had something to blog about. But recent events have prompted me to think, and thinking prompts writing. First, I met someone. Then, I found out he was a Republican.

For those of you who know me, enough said. For those of you who don’t, this is big news. It’s not often that I let a friend set me up on a blind date, and less often when she hardly knows the guy. But I took a chance, gave him a chance, and ended up being pleasantly surprised.

I had to ditch all the behaviors I’ve become accustomed to. I had to keep a completely open mind with someone I appeared to have very little in common with. I had to give it a chance when I really wasn’t sure what would happen and this was hard for me. But I did it. I was proud of myself. And things were turning out really good. I stopped overanalyzing everything he did and said and just went with it.

And he did something not many men would do—at least not many men I’ve dated—and I was halfway hooked. He stopped by with a Thanksgiving card with a Starbucks gift card. He knew one of my employees had just left on maternity leave and thought I might be needing some extra pick me ups. Are you serious? Yes, he was. I was surprised, touched and flattered. We had only been on two dates but this guy definitely knew what he was doing, with me at least.

He is everything my ex-husband is not—polite, mature, smart, comfortable with who he is and tall, a full 15 inches taller than me and although I’m prone to exaggeration, it does not apply here. He wants to do things for me (OK – he’s no saint. Just like Vince Vaughn, he doesn’t want to do the dishes), and is probably one of the kindest people I’ve ever met. No games. No plays. No wondering what he really means when he says something. What you see is what you get. And he smells good. I could also go on about the two kids he adores, but I won’t. I have one word for the whole situation—refreshing.

All of this and the Starbucks card, but it wasn’t until he kissed me that I was fully hooked. Then I had a feeling I was in trouble. Aside from the fact that I had to stand on my tippy toes and he still had to bend over, there was no denying the spark. It’s been a very long time since I felt that spark and it’s both weird and wonderful. I feel like I’m 13 again but instead of writing notes in class, we’re sending text messages to each other at work. It’s silly, but fun. And it’s been a really long time since I haven’t minded the lack of sleep. A friend at work told me the other day that I was giddy, and I realized she was right.

So … I ask myself: what prompted me to ask him his political affiliation? It was probably the conversation I had with the very friend that set us up that went something like this, “Wouldn’t it be funny if he was a Republican?” “Uh, yeah because I would never date a Republican.” I have another friend who is laughing his ass off right now because I believe that after a night of one too many glasses of wine I SWORE that I could never be with a Republican. And he reminds me of this proclamation any chance he gets.

I probably could have guessed this if I really tried. But I didn’t. He’s Catholic, from western Maryland, drives a Chevy Suburban. Yes, it’s bigger than my condo, which is pretty darn big. He does live in south Florida, but I was hoping … Apparently he was much more aware that I’m a Democrat, or a liberal do-gooder, as he may have put it. And he may have mentioned something about it screaming out at him on our first date. Fancy that.

The bottom line is that I like this guy. And he’s a good guy. A really nice guy. And unlike many women out there, I don’t have a problem with nice guys. They work for me. They make me happy. So the question remains, can I just be happy for the time being? Can I just enjoy being with someone who likes me and treats me well without knowing if we’ll be canceling out each other’s votes at the next presidential election? I’m pretty sure I can. And that’s darn exciting because there was definitely a time when I couldn’t. As a good friend of mine says, it’s AFGO, another freakin’ growth opportunity.

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