Sunday, June 21, 2009

Man Seeks Woman - Man Finds Woman

Even before I was married, I noticed that there always seem to be more single women than men. (And by single, I mean non-dating or not in a relationship, not necessarily unmarried.) Time and again I've seen relationships end and before you can say "good riddance," the man immediately starts dating someone else and the woman does not. I definitely fall into this category, but I know it's not just me. 

Men, no matter what their occupation, age or score on the looks scale, always seem to be able to find someone to date (or just sleep with) while us women are home pondering the reasons the relationship didn't work and wondering how we'll meet our next companion. Again, I look to my female friends. They're beautiful, smart, funny, personable, lovable people. Yet they're single and their exes are onto the next relationship in a snap. How is it so much easier for men to find women than the other way around?  

I guess there are a number of possibilities. First, men are willing to settle for less. They really don't need a good figure, nice face AND brains. One or two of the above will suffice. And the figure and face can be real or fake - they don't discriminate in that area. Second, they can't be alone. Can you imagine a 38 year-old guy sitting home alone on a Friday night seriously thinking about the pros and cons of his last relationship and how he can make the next one better and last longer? Third -- and I'm making these all up as I go, of course -- third, they knew they weren't good enough for you in the first place so it's time they find someone they feel superior to. And that's certainly easier than finding an equal mate. Lastly, they think of their partner as a status symbol and they need something to illustrate where they are in the world and accompany them to whatever they do on the weekends. Guys don't just hang out, chat and enjoy each others' company the way women do. They need a buddy, hopefully one with benefits. 

But this still does not answer my question -- where do they find these women? Who are these women that are so readily available? It's just something I cannot get straight in my head no matter how hard I try. Smart, quality women: single. Not-so-smart, mediocre men: dating. Baffling. So if you have any thoughts, please contribute. I'd really love to get some reason insight into this.   


  1. Tara, I have to tell you: we don't think this hard about ANYTHING.


  2. That's because you're happily married, Mr. Yoshino - I mean Ellis. ;)
